Check out the coolest fireman birthday party favors for kids. Fun, easy and exciting fireman party favors from treats to toys for your special occasion. All the children will enjoy these ideal fireman gifts for a thank you.
All the children will enjoy these ideal fireman gifts for a thank you.
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Dalmatian Firepuppy
Toy dalmatian puppy with fireman’s hat. more about Firepuppy
Wooden FireTruck
DIY small wooden firetruck. more about Wooden FireTruck

Firey Looms
Looms in shades of fire. Use gumball tubes and fill with gumballs or loom bands. more about Firey Looms

Fire Bucket
Red buckets filled with loot with fireman prints. more about Fire Bucket

Fireman’s Bottle
Cute water bottle in firetruck shape. more about Fireman’s Bottle

Fireman’s Sweet Tooth
Jar of candies and a bag of brownies printed in firetruck. more about Fireman’s Sweet Tooth

Message from a Firefighter
Sewn in a craft paper filled with loot. more about Message from a Firefighter

Survival Fireman Kit
Candies in a white party favor bag with cute message tied in a red ribbon. more about HP Kit

Firefighter’s Toys
Assorted toys – flashlight, red toy car, firefighter toy figures and red gumballs in a clear favor box. more about Firefighter’s Toys
Pretzels dipped in red chocolate. more about MatchStick
We hope you found some amazing party favors ideas for your fireman party celebration. Any child will be happy to go home with any of these treats. Party favors don’t have to be expensive and if you need more ideas you can check out Pinterest. We hope you enjoy your day and you have a wonderful party!