From light sabers to vader these star wars party favor ideas will give you some great ideas for your child’s upcoming star wars birthday party. Check out all of these simple and easy party favors
Easy, fun ideas for treats that any boy or girl would love to take home. Check out some of the best Star Wars party favor ideas now!
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The kids will go nuts for these candy filled light sabers. Simply wrap the candy tubes with a printable and fill with candy.

These goodie bags are easy and can be filled with treats and/or little star wars themed toys. Add a printable star wars tag and let the party begin. Here are some Goodie Bags

Bubble wands make a great little light saber party favor for the children. What a fun way to thank you for attending a star wars party. Here are some bubble wands.

Fill some storm trooper party favor bags with a few little gifts and you have a simple stars wars party favor to say thank you.

Star wars coloring books are a great party favor for young children.

How simple is it to turn some pencils into light sabers. Trim these pencils with black and silver washi tape. Let the kids imagination go with this cute star wars party favor idea.

BB-8 Droid goodie bags. Print out an image and staple a baggie closed after filling with blue candies and orange candies. Sweet and simple.

Check out these DIY light sabers made of milk chocolate. A fun project to give to the kids as party favors. Use these tubes and fill with these candies and use white tape to make the handle and finish it off with a black sharpie.

Chewbacca chocolate bar party favors made from hersey chocolate. Great idea for all those chewbacca lovers.

Clever star wars party favor bags with “You R2 Awesome” message as a thank you.

Make these light sabers out of glow sticks for a simple party favor. The kids can imagine a battle for the ages.

Vaderade will get some giggles for sure. A tasty party favor for all of your thirsty guests. Just print out an image and stick to a bottle of gatorade.

R2D2 juice boxes. kids will love the familiar taste of their favorite juice box while contemplating their next star wars adventure. Again wrap a printable around a variety of juice flavors.

Rock candy light sabers may not make it into battle. Kids will eat them first! This is another simple party favor idea bound to be a hit.

A classy star wars party favor goodie bag with thank you message. Fill these with treats and/or little star wars toys and the kids will love it.

Star wars water bottles make a nice thank you for coming gift.

Fill some stadium cups with some treats and star wars toys. starwars candy to fill cups – light saber candy, pez candy, popping candy with light up Star War lollipop. A nice thank you to all the boys and girls for coming to the party.

These star wars crayons look so cool. Pair them with a star wars coloring book and the kids will love it. Here are some Silicone Molds for Crayons
We hope these star wars party favor ideas help you find the perfect party favor idea for your party. Make Your Star Wars Party Memorable With These Items Handpicked By Us:
Star Wars Light Up Light Saber M & M Candy
Star Wars Death Star Light Up Beach Ball
Star Wars Sparkling Jelly Beans
Star Wars Lego Party Favor Figures
Star Wars Party Supplies – Napkins, Cups, Plates and More